american red cross certifieD lifeguaRds


2024 lifeguard certification courses

General information

Courses are offered in a blended learning format, with approximately 7 hours of independent online learning and 20 hours of in-person training. Please review our pre-course skills requirements prior to registration. American Red Cross Lifeguarding certificates are valid for 2 years. COURSE FEE: $220.00

pre-course requirements

  • 300 yard swim

    Swim 300 yards, continuously demonstrating breath control and rhythmic breathing. Candidates may swim using the front crawl, breaststroke, or a combination of both, but swimming on the back or side is not allowed. Swim goggles may be used.

  • 2 minute tread

    Tread water for 2 minutes, using only the legs. Candidates should place their hands under their armpits.


    Starting in the water, swim 20 yards. Surface dive to a depth of 7-10 feet to retrieve a 10-pound object. Return to surface and swim 20 yards on the back with both hands holding the object and keeping face at or near the surface to breathe (or get a breath). Place object on deck and exit pool without ladder or steps. Complete in 1:40 or less.

schedule conflicts?

If you aren’t seeing a course option that works for you, click below to add your name to our lifeguard certification course interest list. When we have updates to our schedule, we will make sure you are the first to know!